A correctly inserted invisible zip gives to the garment an awesome, professional-looking finish! Read the article to learn how to sew it up, perfectly clean finished!

I love using invisible zippers as closures, that's why I reccomend them in many of my patterns! The insertion of the invisible zip in this article is made on a leftover fabric scrap, just to get you through the procedure. You can use this sewing method in any garment you like!
What is an invisible zipper?
When it is closed, unlike the standard zipper, the teeths of the invisible are hidden on the underside and are quite literally invisible on the right side. Invisible zippers have also prettier zip pulls, which is another plus for your garments. On the other hand, they are often available in fewer colors. Keep in mind that when it is correctly sewn, the only visible part of the zipper will be it's pull.

Recommended machine foots:
You can of course insert an invisible zipper using a standard machine foot, but with more difficulty and the final result result will not be the same.

For the perfect result you need to have these two machine foots.
The left one is a concealed zipper foot. In case you do not already have it, you can buy one here: https://www.sewingmachinesplus.com/InvisibleZipperFoot-ESG-IZF.php
The right one is a standard zipper foot, it must propably had come with your sewing machine.
Otherwise, find it here: https://www.sewingmachinesplus.com/snapon_zipperfoot.php
Preparing the zipper:
Having the zipper opened, press to open it's teeths.
So, let's start sewing:

Start by taking one side of the zipper tape and pinning it down at one edge of your fabric, right sides together, with the zipper teeths facing inwards.

Stitch using the concealed zipper foot. Only sew until you reach the zipper pull.

Having it opened, position your fabric and zipper at the other side, taking care to place them at the exactly same height. Pin it and check that it is correctly placed by closing it and turn it to the right side, before you start stitching.

Once again, end the stitching at the time you reach at the zipper pull.

Leaving out the unstitched part of the zipper, stabilize with pins the fabrics bellow it.

Now, using the standard zipper foot start stiching from the point you had ended the zipper's stitching to the end of the seam.

Turn everything to the back side and make a good press!

Turn everything to the right side and press again.

You're done!!! I hope this article will be helpful for you!
Sophie xxx
* As I've written at the beginning, I recommend using invisible zipper in many of my patterns, so you can practice this insertion in our